Friday, March 20, 2009
hectic schedule
well, i have so many things to do this week... finals in 2 weeks.... then i have 3 assignment due by this sunday...... and so many anime's to download..... and at the same time i have a sleeping disoder... sedey.................
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Naruto Shipuden 100 ep....
well naruto shipuden is 1ooth ep.... congrats.... to those who wants to download it... zone anime under naruto shipuden... by horriblesub... as for skip beat ep 23 ... jap realease is today so we have to wait 1-3 days 4 the english sub... currently i'm following the manga... hilarious i tell u... BIG NEWS- for those who love fuwa sho song paradise in ep..... hurmm can't rmmber.. u can get it at cruchy roll skip beat world group...... this is skip beat first ep... enjoy :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009

this is one of the latest anime i have been following religiously..... so far the latest is ep 22.... here is the summary:- "kyoko megumi is a 16 year old girl who left home with Fuwa Shotaro/fuwa sho(artist name) to help him pursue his dream in becoming Japan no1 idol.... the plots thickens when in the first ep kyoko realise that Sho has been using her as a tool to achive his dream while Kyoko love towards him is sincere... this release the Pandora box in a person soul...." i guess that will do..... i downloaded them either from animetake or gal anime.... trust me it is a must watch....
well i used to have a blog during 2005.... but my life back then was unexciting.... so i think :).. the reason for me to start bloging - to pass the time when i'm working my part time job... coz recently there have been probs 4 me to download my anime.... hurmm... since this is my first post... let me just introduce myself or rather the blog..... post will be on ANIME, Korean c-ries, daily life......
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