Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Officially a graduate from IIUM

its our convocation :)

On the 3rd of October, I have officially become one of the IIUM graduates for the class 2010... On that very day, i able to make Hahaue and Ottosan proud ... being in IIUM was one of the best things that ever happened in my life... I learned a lot of things... not only worldly matters.... but matters pertaining the Hereafter... being there on the stage was very fulfilling for me... all the cramming and late nights..... was worth it (even though i am just an average student) it made me realize the love i have for studying.... not because of the thought of getting a high paid salary... but meeting new people... discovering and learning things that u never think off... and lastly helping me become a better muslim in shaping the Ummah (ayat very UIA kan... but that is how i felt) so i have decided to pursue my studies in law.... (yeap PJJ as i'm tied with other responsibility)
my younger brother Abu and my then fiancée was there to support me.. it was the second happiest day of my life.... so far :) i did not manage to take any picture with most of my frens... but i manage snap a few.... 

manage to snap a pic after the ceremony... thanks kak Qis

after kluar dari hall

with elen.... a dear fren of mine

with my parents and the die hard sheldon fan

with mar-g ya

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